National Clothing Wholesale Supplier
Need Clothing for Your Storefront?
Major Brand Names Wholesaler
Major brand names from big-box retailers and manufacturers.
Ultra Fast Shipping
We only ship what we have in stock, and that is millions of dollars in merchandise ready to ship.
Major Brand Names
We sell only major brand names have have earned customer loyalty.
We Can Ship Directly Your Local Store
Keep brand names on your shelf and in stock for customers.
We Can Pack, Prep & Label
We can label, pack, prep and ship directly to your store front.
Cost Savings
Our staff takes time to make sure each item is inspected and meets the highest standards to help avoid potential customer returns.
Crazy Ratios
When you purchase wholesale apparel we will fulfill your orders/manifests at the best rates possible.
Monthly Autoship
We offer monthly autoship plans for wholesale apparel so you can keep your store in full despite lead times.
Stay On Target
With staff that uploads all of the inventory and inspects each item keeping your store in stock has never been so easy.
Hundreds of Major Brand Names
(469) 496-1653

Why Carry Major Brand Name Apparel?
In the majority of instances, consumers know the brands they are interested in. The have a high certainty of what size fits them because they already own several products of the particular brand.
Big brands have often built their names around quality and/or status. Consumers often know what to expect prior to purchasing.
Whether you operate a local retail storefront or an online eCommerce operation, designer brands are extremely popular. No matter the season, names like Calvin Kline, Columbia, Nike, Adidas, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger etc.. are well known by people in all socioeconomic statuses, genders and geographic locations within the US and Canada.
All items are checked by a quality control specialist before bagging and/or shipping.
Items are folded and placed in poly bags with labels and barcodes showing.